Monday, November 6, 2017

goodbye fall.

Goodbye Fall. It was a beautiful season, packed with activities that appreciate the true feeling of it. You see Fall is my favorite time of the year, it is time to shed the old & get ready for the new. I turned 37 October, it was such a low key birthday & I was totally OK with that. We are still adjusting to our new state/school and surrounds. I did find a amazing local photographer for our family photos, saying I'm excited is a serious understatement. All these photos posted are of myself and my amazing son Caleb. We are a two person family/team and he is the absolute world too me. I enjoy our mommy son photo sessions and stated this tradition about 4 years ago when I got my divorce. I am always the one behind the camera and so I make it a thing to get ours professionally done a few times a year now. That way he can have these as memories too look back on.

Hope you are all having a beautiful season, I have been preparing for the upcoming holiday season for my jewelry stamping business. Some exciting news I will share with you all on another post, it includes the same family photographer I used for these shots :)

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