Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Wait. What? Valentines Day is next month? GIVEAWAY!!

Seriously the title above explains EXACTLY how I feel. Its SEEMS like we just got out of Christmas and here I am over here, already talking about Valentines day right?! Valentines day is next month and I wanted to get some what of a jump on it, seems I miss all the fun every year and this year I refuse for it to pass me by. I'm a single mama, but doesn't mean I still cant celebrate it! I wanted to start this all off with a GIVEAWAY from my shop Hammered Heart Designs, that way there is plenty of time to either keep it yourself of gift it to someone you simply adore. What do you win? How about one of my hand stamped personalized couples key-chains? A super cute Ball jar, with hearts filling it up + your initials of choice. Key-ring included, super cute and rustic. Easy to enter to win. Simply fill out the steps and things to do on the Raffle copter below, the more actions you complete the more points you get that add up too = a winner. Open to USA only. I will contact you via email you have 24 hours to answer back to my email. If no answer, I will pick another winner.

Need some inspiration for Valentines day gift ideas? I literally have a ton of super cute gifts for couples/women/men all in the name of LOVE. check them out. I put together a small collage of just a few of those options, drool worthy right?


  1. Valentine's Day is one of my favorite holidays because love is everything!

  2. I love Valentine's day with my son having a heart transplant we do celebrate it with the family everything hearts in our house.

  3. I love about valentines is its romantic

  4. I like that everyone actually expresses their love for others

  5. I love Valentines Day because my husband and I get to spend time together.

    (ellen beck on form)

  6. I love giving and receiving flowers and jewelry on Valentine's day! I love all of the cute cards as well.

  7. While Valentine's Day is focused on romance, couples, etc... it is a day to remind us of love, whether it be mother and child, significant other, friendship, love for our pets, and so on.

  8. The bonding.. the romance.. what is not to love.... well chocolate is nice too

  9. Valentine's Day is one of my favorite holidays because love is everything!

  10. Valentine's Day is one of my favorite holidays because love is everything!

  11. Valentine's Day is one of my favorite holidays because love is everything!

  12. Valentine's Day is one of my favorite holidays because love is everything!

  13. Valentine's Day is one of my favorite holidays because love is everything!

  14. Valentine's Day is one of my favorite holidays because love is everything!

  15. Valentine's Day is one of my favorite holidays because love is everything!

  16. I love getting to spend some extra time with my husband.

  17. I love the after sale for Valentine's candy

  18. I love celebrating my loved ones--husband, family, friends!

  19. I love the reminder to appreciate your spouse and to hopefully carry that thinking into everyday.

  20. I like Valentine's Day because my husband takes me out for a yummy meal. THank you

  21. I love that red and pink are the colors. I like that it means love!

  22. I love just the filling most get on this day

  23. I love Valentine's Day as it is the day I met my husband and also the day we were married.


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