I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy during this time, as well as all getting along during the lock down.During the days I'm home,. I'm seeing that my teen son is bored and really nothing to do other then play video games. It seems like that's ALL he's doing at this point. He has only two classes in Google Classroom that he keeps up with then he's free the entire day. I am not allowing him too see friends during this time, so he is getting a bit restless. I have seen over the last few days tons of super cute Facebook posts on ideas and creative things to do too keep younger kids busy but NOTHING for teens. So, seeing today is one of my days off. I wanted to create a blog post for things to keep teen busy as well. I hope you find some of these things fun and useful.
1. Puzzles, I realized this would be fantastic and that we own not a single one. I am placing a online food delivery later in the week and added this to the cart for both of us to spend time on together.
2. Get away from it all. We are mapping out some outdoor nature walks for us to do once the weather permits. Fishing is on our list, geocaching is pretty cool as well. These are all things outdoors that chances are you son't come close or in contact with anyone. Just being outdoors is amazing.
3. Eat outside. If your weather is nice, pack a lunch for you and your teen and enjoy being outdoors. Teens will go where the food is anyways!
4. Ride a bike. I actually send my teen out the door on the days I work out the home with my bike to get some much needed exercise after being cooped up all day in the house. Both have a bike? Go on a ride together, daily. Stretch your legs.
5. Photowalking. Combining daily walks with photo stories, letting your feet and creativity roam free. A way to get moving, clear your mind and connect with your surroundings. This is a actual thing and my teen would love it! Matter of fact I think we are going to do this today and post our journey when we get back.
6. Go fishing. Another thing that is now on our list, the waters here are finally not frozen so we can start doing this
7. Collect the mail, send your teen. Get's them out the house and moving.
8. Pressed polymer clay magnets/ornaments. I'll get in on this one and do a DIY on it, we are collecting nature items outdoors to press into it!! Something fun to collect on your walks outdoors.
9. Nature Bookmarks, find interesting things you can press between laminating sheets {we have a machine at home} so this craft will be fun to collect items and it's free! DIY link here
10. With Spring right around the corner, DIY pounded flower art sounds super fun! DIY link here

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